Marc O'Callaghan CCC-D24 "Sachieber"
€20.00 - €30.00

  • Marc O'Callaghan CCC-D24

Marc O'Callaghan CCC-D24 "Sachieber"
€20.00 - €30.00

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Authentic 10€ banknote with original illustration by Marc O'Callaghan drawn over it.

Part of the "Cambra de Comerç Celestial" installation, it is one of the 36 banknotes of 10€ that stand in correspondence with the 36 decans of the zodiac.

Divine Name Num. 24
21°-30° ♌︎ = 13Ago-22Ago
Angelic name: Sachieber = SChYBR = "Vile is Purified"
Ruling planet: Mars

"In the third face [of Leo] ascendeth a young man in whose hand is a Whip, and a man very sad, and of an ill aspect; they signifie love and society, and the loss of ones right for avoiding strife"
—Agrippa, H. C. (1533) «De Philosophia Occulta In Libri Tres», Book II, Chap. XXXVII.

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